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1 Translation result for the bible in Spanish
Example sentences of
•She gave each of her grandchildren a Bible.
•The book is famous among foodies—it's the gourmet's bible.
•The magazine is now considered the bible of the plastics industry.
¿Sabías esto?
Cuando se escribe con B mayúscula, la palabra Bible se refiere a la colección de escrituras santas del cristianismo o judaísmo. Por ejemplo: The Bible tells the story of the Great Flood.The New Testament is part of the Christian Bible but not of the Jewish Bible.
Cuando se escribe sin capitalizar, la palabra bible se usa informalmente para indicar un libro que se considera importante y autoritativo, o una guía que debería ser seguida cuidadosamente. Por ejemplo: This travel guide was published fifty years ago, but it is still a bible for everyone who wishes to become acquainted with Asian culture.Back in the old days, journalists used to work with stylebooks, which were like bibles, but today everyone writes in their own style.